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Cards and Coffee with Colleen and Carrie

Zoom Event where Colleen and Carrie share spiritual messages and insights! They will share messages on a collective level, and then randomly picked a few people from the zoom audience to receive personal messages. "Cards and Coffee with Colleen and Carrie" is meant to be a lighthearted and uplifting event to give you a break in your day, week or month and add a little fun to your life! Please be aware that this event will be recorded on Zoom and later uploaded to YouTube so you may want to change the name on your Zoom account, for privacy purposes, to your initials only. And, if you are chosen for a personal reading, you may not want to divulge details about yourself or your life that are too personal. Your safety, security and comfort are important to Carrie and I. There is no charge for this event, however, if you feel so guided to send in a Love Offering Donation for attending, please go to my Donation Link under the About Tab on my website. Thank you for your support!


Upcoming Sessions

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