
Your support goes a long way in assisting others who may be just awakening to their celestial truth, or who perhaps have been on their spiritual path for quite some time.
Any donations made to Sacred Soul Empowerment are used to support the continued filming of Weekly and Monthly Videos, the creation and expansion of spiritual services and products, and to the offering of classes, workshops and events to teach and awaken others to their divinity, evolution and growth as a soul.
A portion of these donations also makes possible my ability to give to others that may not be in the financial position to schedule a reading, healing, class, or to receive a product that would be helpful and beneficial to their healing process.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to assist and guide you, and others, on this sacred journey of discovering your inner power and magical, angelic roots.
If you would like to assist me in helping others, please consider making a donation. All love and support is “passed forward” as we are all here as “One" to Love and Support One Another.
Blessings of Love and Light!
Colleen Lemma